Monday, 30 July 2012


Being the deceptively organised person that I am, I have decided (with the non-stop nagging 

from the actual organised parents) to start packing for my holida - I mean study visit to the 


Yes, I’m packing for 6 months, which is pretty difficult with a holiday mindset.  It means that 

unlike many other girls joyfully packing for their glamourous girly holidays, I will be doing 

some serious packing - or in other words, boring, practical packing.  Instead of insisting on 

taking no less than 6 bikinis, I will be ditching at least 4 sets of this skimpy swimwear to

replace with...cardigans.  HOT. 

My beautiful mess of stuff. 
(no, I am not taking an animal, that is my beloved fur jacket)

HOWEVER, it is quite nice to be packing for somewhere that has actual seasons - I know for 

sure that it’s going to be sunshine and hot when I arrive which will glide nicely into Fall and 

then into winter, when it will be all snowy and pretty - perfect! 

By girl standards, my pile of clothes (which will inevitably be added to) is fairly compact.  

By my dad’s standards it will be as if Lady Gaga has spewed her numerous ensembles out 

onto the bed.  My dad is an extreme ‘light packer’; everything that's being packed needs to 

be justified. God help me with my bulky faux fur coat!

So, I have decided for this laborious task that I will transform my packing persona into 

somewhere between Bear Grylls and Carrie Bradshaw. Sorted.  

In other news, I am past the stupidly excited stage and moving swiftly into the nervous and 

impatient stage - I JUST WANT TO GO ALREADY!  I’m also quickly realizing how much I’m 

going to miss people - my uni friends especially (this entails sending pointless 

texts/tweets/facebook messages and almost crying at anything remotely cute or emotional).  

My fear of missing out is going to play havoc when Hull freshers pictures arrive on 


All in all still ecstatic to become Americanized.
Hannah x


  1. I love that you're taking your fur coat! My dad has been criticising my packing efforts too - his exact words were 'what do you need all that for?! I'm planning to take 2 t-shirts and three pairs of boxers for the entire trip, in a carrier bag.' So classy.
    I second the freshers envy, but we're in this together charlton!!xx

  2. haha, seems like our dads would be ideal travel partners!! I know I'm not too envious but I know when it comes we'll both be irrationally jealous ;)xx

  3. Hey chickadee, I've nominated your blog for the Liebster Award (it's a tag thing), I know yours isn't a beauty blog but I do love it so don't worry about actually doing it if you don't want, but these posts do make me giggle A LOT.

    Love yaaaa xx
