Sunday, 2 December 2012

A Pleasant Break Indeed

 My very first (and very welcomed) Thanksgiving break...

So, after a pretty intense 3 months of studying, exploring and living as an American, it was 

time for thanksgiving break - a week spent with family, christmas movies, football

and copious amounts of food.  Since I don't have a family here, my friend and roommate, 

Cami, was very generous and let me borrow her family for break and took me home to 

Pleasantville, where home cooked food and Christmas movies were in abundance - 

couldn't get much pleasant than that eh?! (Sorry, I have to make the most of the awful 

Pleasant puns).  

Leaving on Friday afternoon we started our trip equipped with laundry (yes, student needs 

translate across the pond) and drove through the cornfields accompanied by oh-so fitting 

country tunes for about 2 hours, until we reached Pleasantville, Iowa.  

On the road

On getting to pleasantville (blink and you've missed it) we made a quick stop at grandma's 

to say hi and avoid the school rush (which doesn't last too long - in Cami's whole year 

throughout school there was around 70 of them).  Grandma Darlene offered us a hug, pop 

and freshly baked cookies as soon as we arrived, which were all warmly welcomed - I'd 

been craving a little bit of homeliness! Darlene is just brilliant - she uses words such as 

'dog-gonned' and 'holy smokes' (two of many fabulously country words).  I wanted to make 

a list so that I wouldn't forget them all, but it wasn't too practical.   

After a snappy journey through the rest of Pleasantville (very swift journey - Cami wasn't 

joking when she warned that the town doesn't even have a stop light) we drove up a dirt 

road to Cami's house.  The house was built just for the Deforests (like a lot of families do 

around here) 12 years ago and is on a big plot of land.  Their house is so welcoming and 

immaculate - a real homely place.  That night we sat down to their big wooden table with 

Shelly and Dave (Cami's parents) and Cami's young niece and nephew with a good ol' 

plate of chicken, mash potatoes and gravy.

Most of my week was spent doing family/girly things, which was quite perfect.  One night 

we went to Cami's old high school for 'Lock in', which is a night when the dance team 

stay ALL NIGHT perfecting their routines for the regional competition.  Unlike some 

dance teachers I've had, who are characters that are on the brink of being made into the 

stepmother in a Grimms' Fairy Tale, Miss T was very welcoming to me, the outta towner.

I got to take in the American high school, and got embarrassingly excited when I saw the 

hallways looked like the set of 'Saved by the Bell'.  

I got to see the last bit of a basketball game too!

The dance team

Cafeteria (not canteen)

On Wednesday, we took a stroll around Pleasantville with Cami's friend who was also 

home for break.  It really showed me how much of a small town it was and how everyone

knows everyone - every time a car/truck/tractor drove past, Cami and her friend 

gave a friendly wave.  It felt like a movie!

The town's church

 After a huge family Thanksgiving meal, complete with the staples (turkey, ham, mashed 

potatoes, green bean casserole and pumpkin pie), Cami and I drove back to Iowa city for

the football game on Friday morning!

The Iowa Hawkeyes game was bloomin' freezing - no, seriously, it was -10c and if it was

socially and legally accepted I would have had a hip flask of something stronger than hot

chocolate (like the kind man at the Warrington Wolves match who passes his hip flask 

around - unfortunately he didn't make an appearance).  I only lasted the 1st quarter - yes, 

you can think I'm a wimp all you like, but I couldn't feel my feet and apparently I'll always 

be a Hawkeye, so I was there in spirit.

Hot chocolate and wooly hats were essential!

Yep, I even have black and gold sneakers now.

Thank you to the DeForests for a great Thanksgiving break - when (not if) I go on a Jack 

Kerouac kind of road trip, it's safe to say I'll be making a stop in Pleasantville!

Hannah x


  1. WOW this is incredible! And very American. Looks like you had a brill time Han!
    Not a fan on the -10C temperatures though! xx

  2. This looks awesome, I cant believe you went to somewhere called Pleasantville! It's like something out of a film! xx
